The Technical Services Department orders, catalogs, and processes library materials for member libraries, as well as providing MARC records. We supply physical and bibliographical preparation of books so they are ready “shelf ready”. We secure the best possible discounts from jobbers through volume buying and provide processing supplies to member libraries at quantity discount prices.
CKLS orders enough popular titles from Ingram to receive up to a 42% discount on most items.
Librarians wishing to purchase items themselves and wanting CKLS cataloging and processing can have items “dropped shipped” to us. This means the shipping address should say [Your library name] c/o Central Kansas Library System, 1409 Willams Street, Great Bend, KS. Billing address should specify your library.
CKLS member libraries are encouraged to provide access to their collections through standard cataloging (MARC standards) and quality bibliographic information. Member librarians are expected to enter new records and remove obsolete records from the statewide bibliographic database through either the CKLS Technical Services Department or another method approved by the State Library.
All CKLS cataloging provides MARC records to the library and places the cataloging record on the state’s Kansas Library Catalog. Librarians wishing only cataloging for items should fill out “pink slips” for that item and mail them to Technical Services. If you need more “pink slips” contact our Department.
We also do original cataloging for items that do not have MARC records from other sources.