The CKLS IT department assists librarians in meeting the information technology needs of their patrons. We provide advice and training on use of the Internet and other computerized information sources. In addition, we assist librarians in the purchase, installation, and maintenance of computers, operating systems, and other hardware and software products.

The IT (Information Technology) Department:

  • Consults for on-site technology needs.
  • Helps member librarians in gaining computer expertise.
  • Assists with the layout and set up of computers and systems.
  • Provides continuing education for librarians in advanced technologies.
  • Prepares for disasters.
  • Assists librarians and boards with contract negotiations with vendors.

IT consulting service helps member librarians use current technology and provide technical expertise and printed resources about library IT for member libraries. It provides consulting for automation projects. CKLS Automation Specialists advise and train member librarians and trustees on the use of electronic information services.

Member librarians who need assistance from the IT Department call CKLS and request the service or information they need. IT Support will attempt to solve computer problems over the telephone if possible. If not, they will schedule a visit to the library as soon as possible to try to resolve the problem.